Graphic by: Jacqui Magana-Chavez
If you have been looking for a place where you can openly discuss, ask questions, and learn more about issues going on in the world and in America today, then Buena’s Bulldog Debate Night is the place for you.
Led by social studies teachers Matt Colton and Aaron Torres, the debate night gives students an opportunity to safely talk about their honest beliefs about the world around them.
“We want this to be a safe place for everyone to have a voice.” Colton said at the initial debate night meeting.
Each student who chooses to participate is given three minutes to speak about their stance on the given topic for the evening. After they give their statement, Colton, the chairman, receives questions from the audience in the chat to ask the speaker regarding their statement.
“Our goal is to create a conversation engaging in search for the truth,” Torres said. Students and staff are encouraged to attend.
The first topic scheduled is about Cancel Culture will take place Feb. 25 at 5 pm. Make sure to join the zoom which you can access here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5187270146?pwd=aStXdGxwV1dFczNzRFI1TFo1aElIQT09