Your adventure awaits: Things you can do in Ventura

Boredom is a common symptom of having a world’s worth of information at your fingertips. One easily forgets that nature provides the world with endless things to do, and adventures to explore. These activities can include hikes, a picnic in the park, and more. How does one utilize these resources?

To begin, Ventura is in a convenient location. The beach is just a few miles away from Buena, and there are so many parks and hikes along the way.

Sedona Brickley

Let’s start with Arroyo Verde. This park is situated up the street from Foothill Technology High school and its trails go up and down the hills that surround it. They are much more extensive than what meets the eye. Depending on what trails one chooses to follow, these trails can be easy to moderate, but nevertheless the views are spectacular, overlooking the ocean, Channel Islands, and Ventura. 

From some points you can see all of Ventura, the surrounding hills, and the beautiful ocean. (Sedona Brickley)

This isn’t the only place you can hike locally, try hiking in Serra Cross Park; or as locals call it ‘The Cross’. Additionally, you could walk along the ocean down on the Promenade where there are lots of people and things to watch. 


If you want to be outside but are not in the mood for exercise, consider packing up some snacks or a pen and paper, along with a blanket. Enjoy breathing some fresh air while you eat, draw, or write. You’d be surprised how nurturing and relaxing a little bit of nature can be. 

Next time you are bored, think twice before you say you have nothing to do. You may have ran out of things to do inside, but I assure you nature has an endless supply of adventures awaiting for you to discover. 

Sedona Brickley