New Teen run Website Inspiring their Peers Everywhere

Teens For All provides a community full of love for their peers as well as anyone who would like to check them out.

Teens for All website

Teens For All provides a community full of love for their peers as well as anyone who would like to check them out.

Teens For All is a teen run website hoping to inspire and empower teens worldwide to spread awareness to modern issues in our world today. The website was founded to address the need for teens to create a community among their peers, and this website is the perfect atmosphere of safety and acceptance.

“Teens for All is run all by teens and we are basically all about female empowerment, mental health, and education about climate change,” Co-director of design for Teens for All, Lorelei Brooks said. 

Since the website officially launched in Sep. of 2020, the staff has grown to about 28 people, 18 of whom are on the board of directors. The board of directors consists of Buena students such as Xavier Ramirez, Lorelei Brooks, Nathan Arthur, and Elena Pomposo, as well as two students from Los Angeles, and even students  as far as Minnesota.

We want people to take away from our website that everyone is unique in their own special way and our website is a safe space for people to feel welcome and express themselves freely,

— Xavier Ramirez

“I’ve been wanting to make this [website] because I wanted to create something that is unique and to my knowledge had never really been done before,” CEO and creator of Teens for All, Xavier Ramirez said. 

Their target audience is of course teenagers, but they also encourage teachers to check out the site. When they first got their website going, the directors sent emails out to teachers at Buena and were pleased to receive an abundance of positive feedback.

Teens for All writes articles and creates videos dedicated to equality and providing a welcoming atmosphere.

“We want people to take away from our website that everyone is unique in their own special way and our website is a safe space for people to feel welcome and express themselves freely,” Ramirez said.

Articles are inclusive of all opinions, ideas, and political beliefs. Ramirez encourages all of their writers to keep their opinions out of their writing and cite their evidence in order to be considered as a credible source. As an organization, they believe that it is important for teenager to have a platform to voice their opinions and demonstrate they are about important issues.  

“We are trying to educate ourselves and this is what we are doing and are trying to grow and change as a new generation,” Buena sophomore Elena Pomposo, the director of cinematics said.

My favorite part is knowing that I am making a little bit of a change. I’ve always loved making art and so it’s really nice…

— Lorelei Brooks

Not only is joining the staff a great opportunity to spread positivity and educate others, it is a place where you can gain writing or editing skills and be creative.

“I have a passion for video editing and just that whole realm in general, so it’s really nice to just have an outlet where I can pursue that,” Pomposo.

The number of staff writers is always increasing and are constantly looking for new talent and new voices to add to their team. The board of directors often conduct interviews for new writers and directors to join their team.

“My favorite part is knowing that I am making a little bit of a change. I’ve always loved making art and so it’s really nice. After I heard there was a position needed for design, I was like, ‘I’ll try it, I guess.’ And I’ve loved it ever since,”  Lorelei Brooks said.

There are several positions that are available for anybody to join. Visit the Teens For All website to apply to join one of their three committees, publish a blog, or even become an executive on the team.

“We encourage anybody else to join, even if they aren’t an amazing writer or phenomenal writer… So basically if you’re not the greatest at english or anything else, and you still want to be a part of what we are doing, you can do that also,” Ramirez said.

 Visit the Teens For All website for more information on how to join.