Update on Buena’s Clubs: See what they are up to since school started
Graphic displayed shows club students connecting over Zoom and other social media platforms to build a sense of community during these times of social distance restrictions.
January 26, 2021
Despite not being able to meet in person, Buena still offers many clubs for learning new skills, activism, connecting with others, and more.
The anime club is a calm environment for watching anime and learning about Japanese storytelling culture. This club is welcoming to long time anime enthusiasts and curious newcomers alike. Meetings are held over Discord where club members watch an anime previously chosen by a majority vote.
“We are very open, accepting, and happy to share the world of anime with others,” Anime Faculty adviser Molly Ensminger said.
The Anime club prides itself on being an open environment to partake in the mutual enjoyment of anime.
The Black Student Union is a place for all students who wish to understand the lives and history of African Americans.
“I would like this club to be a safe place where students can share ideas, thoughts, opinions or just vent. Join the club to make a difference at our school, to help uplift the small Black population and help to make our voices heard,” Faculty Adviser Marcia Amegadzie said.
BSU makes many videos highlighting important events and people in African American history. With black history month coming up in February, BSU club members are hard at work putting together videos in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King and the history of African Americans. Be sure to watch the weekly announcements if you are interested in videos by the BSU.
The environmental club is a place for students to socialize with others who share their love for the environment. The club meets over Zoom to discuss ideas and opportunities for helping the community. They are an open minded bunch that encourages creativity and problem solving.
“Though it is difficult to actually get involved in community work right now, given the numerous restrictions on, well, everything, Environmental Club is still a fun place to meet with others who share the same passion for environmental issues,” club president and senior Branden Gill said.
Since they are now meeting online, the environmental club is innovating and finding new ways to stay safe while helping the environment, as well as planning for the future.
The German club is hosting a virtual exchange program this year due to travel risks in the wake of COVID 19 restrictions. The club is currently not accepting new members because, in order to participate in club activities, students need a german student partner. For more information see Galilea Velasco’s article “German exchange program gone virtual”.
The Marine Biology club has decided to temporarily halt meetings until they can be held in person due to a large amount of the activities requiring in person participation.
Nuestras Manos is a club for those who wish to show their appreciation for essential field workers. Be on the lookout for their upcoming fundraisers to provide care packages to help aid the workers and their families.
“The farmworker community is greatly underrepresented, and they work extremely hard to provide the food on our table. We really want to show support to essential workers, especially in a time like this,” senior Adriana Vasquez said.