Buena Today adopts new format for morning announcements
The new Buena Today logo that students see every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
June 14, 2022
As of recently, the Buena Today news segment changed, switching from a clipshow of recorded clips to dedicated hosts delivering headlines. With multiple hosts who give their own spins on the news, each broadcast feels as new as the project.
The plan to change to a live broadcast has been a work-in-progress for a while. Film teacher Amanda Graves originally wanted senior Jensen Evans to join Buena Today which was filmed during BARK, but his schedule conflicted and he was not able to initially join. In February, things started moving along when Evans and others got reassigned into Graves’s BARK, where they helped with the new Buena Today.
Although filming and editing began in February, the first broadcast that featured the new format was the Buena Today for April 18, 2022, where they originally went after the morning pledge of allegiance, led by principal Audrey Asplund. However, this changed March 20, when hosts went first and led into the pledge.
“The news theme was a universal decision because it was hand in hand, it was announcements, and news too,” Evans said.
The hosts were picked by the people that enjoyed being on camera and who were open at the time, as well as people who had the time to commit to Buena Today.
There are five hosts in total: seniors Mateo Ordonez, Jensen Evans, Isaiah Maldanado, Zachery Tanner, and sophomore Emil Hernandez.
“I’m more of a backup host when Jensen or Emil cannot do it,” Ordonez said.
With most of the cast graduating, the Buena Today team is going to have multiple vacant spots. If you want to join the Buena Today team, consider joining film next year to keep the broadcast going. They want to make this last for maybe years and want it to grow.