Buena’s Wellness Center put on a Tote Painting and Love on a Leash lunchtime event Tuesday, Sept. 26 due to Sept. being suicide prevention month. Thanks to these wellness peers, Buena students were able to take a much-needed break from the stress of the school day and visit with professional therapy dogs provided by the Ventura Chapter of Love on a Leash.
Specifically, white lab ‘Zoey’ with her owner Donna Goulet, and English cream golden retriever ‘Captain’ with his owner Rosemary Takeda joined the Buena students. “It’s such a win, win, win… Everybody loves to love dogs” Goulet said as Zoey was receiving belly rubs from students all around.
Smiles filled the students’ and teachers’ faces as they petted Zoey and Captain. Zoey was shamelessly rolling over in hopes of belly rubs and she received many.
“They’re all cool,” junior Meghan Shaffer said as she stopped by to pet the dogs before visiting the wellness center.
Aside from the crowd surrounding the therapy dogs, the blacktop was filled with students looking to paint a tote bag. The wellness peers had a great set up of tables and chairs that allowed students to sit in groups with friends and chat as they painted.
It was the perfect time to take a break and paint which is exactly what senior Azaia Kurz did before heading home.
“It’s nice to…have a little sit-down and do something productive and creative before I have to go… on that homework grind and write essays,” Kurz said while painting a frog on her tote.
The effort from students was seen across all the tables. Between the flowers and frogs, the creativity of Buena’s students was seen in plenty.
According to wellness peer, Thasmeah Sardar they were extremely happy with how this even went.
“Honestly, [it was] one of our most successful workshops. It…helps people destress… which is… our main goal” Sardar said.
The next event that is planned from the wellness center is in December; for wellness week. The wellness peers can’t wait to see more Buena students there.