As she kicks off her high school career, freshman Kamila Chavarria has stood out as an aspiring varsity soccer player, a leader in Buena ASB and the only freshman of her AVID class.
“I think Buena’s so much better than middle school,” Chavarria said. “Here you have a lot more freedom,”
As a freshman, Chavarria aims high to make Buena’s varsity soccer team. While Buena’s junior varsity and frosh teams may offer more playing time, Chavarria hopes to earn a varsity spot to feel accomplished and look good in college admissions. In addition to Buena soccer, Chavarria keeps up her defense and midfield skills on her Eagles Soccer Club regional team.
“Soccer is a really big thing in my life,” Chavarria said.
Chavarria has been able to stay very close with her sister Kimberly, ASB president and a senior at Buena High School. She has taken inspiration largely from Kimberly throughout her soccer career specifically.
Chavarria aspires to continue soccer throughout college in at least a Division III school. In addition to soccer, Chavarria has held a strong academic career so far at Buena and aims to attend University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) and earn a degree as an ultrasound technician. Originally wanting to be a psychologist, Chavarria’s career path shifted as she entered high school.
Chavarria has learned more about colleges and attended field trips through her AVID class. Being the only freshman of her class, AVID has given her a “four year head start” to college.
Among other activities on campus, Chavarria has played a role in Buena ASB throughout her freshman year, where she has had the opportunities to organize school events and meet new people.
“Some moments I’m like ‘Oh my gosh this is so chaotic’, but other ones it’s really fun and I’m really happy, especially being a leader,”
Chavarria’s overall high school experience has been “very chill”, and as a freshman, she’s ready to excel at Buena and into college.
“I feel like Buena’s been really good… [and] because I’m in ASB and AVID, I really get to have fun with it.”