The "Resident Evil 4" video game released Mar. 24 is a remake of the original "Resident Evil 4" released in 2005, and is the latest in the long standing survival-horror franchise. The original has been...
Nobody is safe from Ghostface, not even in the Big Apple. Scream VI released Mar. 10 2023 to theaters and is the latest entry in the legendary Scream series. Continuing the story from Scream (2022), the...
In the summer of 2001, the first film of The Fast and Furious franchise aired and millions came to watch the story of street racing, heists, and family. Over the course of twenty years, nine movies have...
“Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantamania'' crashed into theaters Feb. 17; and what was supposed to be the next best Marvel Cinematic Universe [MCU] film quickly became one of the worst. With low ratings, a...
Imagine your typical paranormal love story but with a curve, adding boarding schools, royalty courts, and the sense of a twisted war brewing. “Crave” by Tracy Wolff will give you all of this and more.
Harry Styles. Beyoncé. Kendrick Lamar. These are just some of the notable winners of the highly anticipated 65th annual Grammys held Sunday, Feb. 5 2023. Over 12.4 million Americans tuned in to watch...
2023 is the year of amazing upcoming shows coming into streaming services, making many viewers excited to see some specific shows. Let’s take a look into three shows that will be coming soon later this...
Originally launched in 2013, The Last of Us was one of the most popular games of the time, selling over 37 million copies in the past nine years. This post-apocalyptic game features chilling descriptions...
Kaleidoscope, directed by Everardo Gout and Mairzee Almas, is a unique heist drama consisting of eight episodes. The first seven episodes appear in a different and random order for every viewer on Netflix,...
Valentine's Day is right around the corner which means candy, flowers and romantic comedies to watch for the season of love. Here are three of the top romantic comedy classics.
10 Things I Hate About...
Singer-songwriter PinkPanthress once again captivated audiences in 2022 with her new EP, “Take me home.” This record added yet another amazing project to PinkPanthresses discography by mixing elements...
Following the Dec. 14 Not-So-Silent-Night concert, the official sixth album was released on Spotify that same evening. The album consists of 14 songs that tie into one diverse mix. The album art is by...