The 13th entry in the Halloween franchise “Halloween Ends,” came out Friday Oct. 14 in theaters and the Peacock streaming service. It offers a bold ending to the 2018 trilogy, and a series notorious...
Buena’s fall play of 2022, ‘12 Angry Jurors’ is, beyond a reasonable doubt, a drama production that must be watched before this show ends. The Buena drama production first performed Nov. 10, to Nov....
It’s the time of the season where everyone hibernates into their homes and watches fall related shows and Gilmore Girls is definitely one of them. Originally airing Oct. 5, 2000 on The WB and now streaming...
The live action “The Little Mermaid”, set to release May 26. 2023, has created a flood of controversy regarding the casting of “Ariel,” who will be played by Halle Bailey, an African American woman....
Ventura Village welcomed a new addition in September, The Taco Shop Mexican Kitchen. The restaurant lives up to its nickname, “The Hidden Gem of Ventura”, with its modern minimalist decor and authentic...
The New Social Media app, Be Real took the internet by storm with its different approach to typical social media apps. The app focuses more on showing your true authentic-self, hence the name, being...
“The Black Phone,” an incredible horror short story by Joe Hill is about a 13 year-old boy, John Finney, who was abducted by a mass killer, Albert, nicknamed at The Grabber. Both the movie and book...
The live action remake of the 1940 Disney classic, Pinocchio, was released exclusively on streaming service, Disney Plus, Sept. 8. Despite the remakes' impressive visual effects, the added changes to modernize...
While some students might have a jam-packed summer with trips and extracurricular activities, others might find that they have a little too much time on their hands with no drivers license and no plans...
An orange sun rising over jagged cliffs. Dark blue waves crashing against black rocks. Captivating scenes from around the world captured a single TV show: "Our Great National Parks" on Netflix. Hosted...
Harry Styles’ third and newest album Harry’s House is taking the world by storm with every song on the album debuting in the top 30 of Billboard’s Hot 100. Four of the songs charted in the top...
Friends don’t lie, well at least not about how good the hit Netflix series “Stranger Things” is. With the latest release of season four volume one having just come out May 27, there is a lot to...