Time to Bring Out Your Inner Artist this Holiday Season
Graphic of supplies to use to make fun, easy crafts for the holiday season.
January 5, 2021
Everyone has made a craft at some point in their lives, so why not learn how to make a few more and just in time for the holidays.
Around your house at this time, you may notice all the old holiday crafts you or other family members have made over the years. Many people think of handmade ornaments or cut out snowflakes and snowmen when they picture holiday crafts. Any type of craft can be made for the holiday season from cut out snowflakes to homemade wreaths.
When it comes to making crafts it’s not known as a neat or clean job, junior William Boyd says glitter is his favorite art supply to use but also very difficult to not make a mess out of. For this reason many will shy away from using glitter, or do the complete opposite and use it more
When it comes to making homemade holiday crafts you can use anything you have. If you’re someone who keeps any cards you get from the holidays, you can hang them up on the wall of your bedroom to look like a tree, a tree full of past holiday memories all for you to enjoy. If your family has popsicle sticks, glue, and markers you can decorate a holiday picture frame for anyone you know.
Not even the sky holds the limit to the many ideas you can use for holiday crafts, you can make anything that you will enjoy and even keep it for yourself. Everyone has a memory of making a holiday craft nearly every year. “When I was a child, one of the things we used to make were ornaments out of flour, salt and water,” high school art teacher Nicole Rapattoni said.
Holiday crafts can vary in size, shape, and colors. A plastic water bottle with some paint and green paper can be made into a mini tree. To do this first you begin by painting the tree green then add layers of green paper so it looks like a tree. Even just different colored paper can be cut and either taped or glued together to be hung up, they would be similar to bracelets while attached to each other.
“I made a picture frame for my Christmas tree,” sophomore Lillian Garcia said. Garcia had used the colors red and green and had candy canes and a snowman on her picture frame.
When it comes to making holiday crafts you don’t need much, only glue, paper, and something to add color such as paint or markers. Holiday crafts can be anything that puts you in the holiday mood and you can use anything to make them. What you make can be something you’ve seen online, in stores, or thought of on your own. It’s about having fun and being creative, although it might be a bit messy so it’s best to have something nearby ready to clean up the mess.