Carmelo Anthony embraces his new found bench role

The Portland Trailblazers had a borderline great season last year, where they finished with a 35-39 W/L record and won the battle against the Memphis Grizzlies for the 8th seed in the western conference. They made the playoffs where they lost to the Los Angeles Lakers in the first round. Going into this season, the Trailblazers have not added any superstars, but have added forward Robert Covington, who took the starting role away from Carmelo Anthony.

Anthony, the ten time all-star and 23.5 points per game (PPG) athlete , is going to come off the bench for the first time of his career. Anthony has been dismissive of the turn of events, responding to reporters with “who me?” when asked about his thoughts about being off the bench while with the Oklahoma City Thunder

Since Anthony is a 10x allstar and a 1x Scoring Champion, his ego is high, and he never thought he would see the day where his starting role would be stripped away from him. 

NBA stars’ biggest enemy is father time, because with time comes age. Anthony is currently 37 years old and his skills are dwindling.

I’ve even told Melo this, scoring 30 meant too much to Melo.” Retired all-star Chauncey Billups said in an interview conducted by Complex Sports. “That mentality has never left Carmelo. As a result, he’s unable to be a true veteran presence.”

NBA stars’ biggest enemy is father time, because with time comes age. Anthony is currently 37 years old and his skills are dwindling. Last season, Anthony averaged 15.4 PPG, the lowest of his career. Earl Cervantes, a writer at the Powcast, believes Anthony isn’t deserving of the starting spot anymore.

“Carmelo Anthony is struggling,” Cervantes said. “His shots aren’t as smooth anymore while he has more bricks than swishes. Anthony’s play is an eyesore, to say the least as he has failed to contribute anything positive to his team so far.” 

Currently this season, Anthony has been leading the bench in scoring and minutes for the Trailblazers with 24 minutes per game (MPG) and 12 PPG during their 8 game stretch this season. Trail Blazers head coach, Terry Stotts, believes that Anthony’s offense off the bench adds depth to the current roster. 

“It’s going to be nice having that offense off the bench,” Stotts said. “I think he scored the ball the first time he touched it… We’re going to need that from him.” Stotts said.

Anthony has stated in a recent interview with NBCsports that he has “come to terms” with his new role, and clearly he has. “Its what’s best for the team” Anthony said, “I approached it as if I was starting, but there are many differences” 

“It was different though, different emotions. Different feelings.” Anthony said, “But, once you get past that, it’s basketball.” Anthony has clearly accepted his bench role this season and is trying to make the best out of it.” 

Noah Garman, Coach of the JV basketball team, and a life-long Blazers fan expressed his feelings about Anthony’s presence during his 2 year stretch with the Trailblazers. 

Carmelo Anthony isn’t the 28 PPG player he once was, but can still play a huge role on a contending team.

“I think he adds good scoring depth to the team” Garman said, “he is a player we can rely on.”

However, Garman doesn’t believe Anthony will have the impact he had with the team last season. “I don’t think he will make that large of an impact with the team giving younger guys more opportunities,” Garman said.  “It’s truly up to Terry Stotts.” 

“I love having Carmelo on the team,” Garman said. “He brings veteran play and leadership, he will always stay an elite scorer.”

Carmelo Anthony isn’t the 28 PPG player he once was, but can still play a huge role on a contending team. With Anthony finally accepting his new found role, he has a big impact on a top team in the western conference. It’s too early to tell if he will embrace his role off the bench, however his acceptance in his role is step one to adding that spark to a contending team.