Distance Learning: The Hard Earned Successes


After it is  over, our memories of distance learning may not be remembered fondly, but it’s not all negative. Despite the limitations, teachers and students have overcome so many obstacles. Teachers were not sure if they could maintain their regular enthusiasm and motivation for teaching, and students weren’t always attentive or as focused as they would be in a normal classroom due to distractions in the home and lessons that do not require as much engagement as lessons in a classroom setting might have. 

The new challenges presented by distance learning for students can be difficult, but it’s much easier to be distracted, and the environment of a classroom cannot be exactly replicated online. However, distance learning allows students to better learn how to manage their time efficiently.

“Despite the many challenges of distance learning, I’m proud of my time management used towards school and being able to continue to keep my GPA up,” Junior Maritza Melgoza said. 

Distance learning has also encouraged students well versed in technology to willingly help teachers solve problems regarding online teaching.

“I am far from being a ‘techy’ person but distance learning has encouraged me to learn more about computers. It feels extremely good when I’m able to help a student that is struggling with a computer application problem. 

Marcia Amegadzie, health and P.E. teacher

Going into learning, there has been a noticeable change in students’ academic performance. As mentioned in the Washington Post earlier in 2020, there has been a large number of students performing worse in their academics than ever, proving that the pandemic has affected their learning more than ever. 

Regardless of the challenges presented, students are trying their best, producing work worth noting. Students need to understand that even if distance learning feels nothing like in person teaching, they have to get what they can done, because slacking off right now will affect them more than ever in the future. In the face of all the technical difficulties and lack of motivation, students are pulling through.

“I have surprised myself by coming up with new ways to address the material. I consider it a success when anyone can master new learning management systems and applications to engage students: especially old teachers,” Karen Rodrigues, 9th grade English and Stage Craft teacher said.