Hispanic Heritage Month acknowledged by students and staff


In order to embrace  Latin culture, Buena celebrated Hispanic heritage month that began Sept. 15, 2021 to encourage all students to embrace their culture. 

Principal Audrey Asplund has been sprinkling messages in the morning announcements to celebrate this Hispanic Heritage month. She has discussed a Latina whom she “absolutely loves,” Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotamayor, and Billboard’s top five Latin artists.

I can’t change who I am. My skin color is beautiful, my race is gorgeous and I’m really proud of it.

— senior Alma Zurita

“I think it’s really important to acknowledge our diversity and appreciate the ways we are different and celebrate each other,” Asplund said. 

Although Hispanic Heritage month ended Oct.15, embracing one’s culture is “a celebration that lasts your whole life,” Spanish teacher Crystal Cahuantzi said. 

“It’s your identity, it’s who you are,” Cahuantzi said. “It’s really important that you are proud of who you are no matter what culture you come from.”

While many can agree that connecting to their culture is important, it is not always easy for a number of reasons. One being that we live in a world where we may be judged for the color of our skin. 

“I can’t change who I am,” said senior Alma Zurita. “My skin color is beautiful, my race is gorgeous and I’m really proud of it.”

In order to embrace and be proud of one’s culture, first we need to learn about it. A way to learn about the hispanic culture is through joining the club MEChA, which is the abbreviation for “Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán” (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán). Zurita, the club vice president, explained that they have speakers come to talk to the club about Latin culture.

“We give people the knowledge of what our culture is going through and the problems that they have,” Zurita said.

Another way to learn about the Hispanic culture is by indulging in the variety of tasteful dishes the culture has to offer, as well as the common traditions, and festivities. On social media or even on our very own school campus, there is a lot of information “everywhere,” Cahuantzi said. 

Undoubtedly, Buena is the place where you can acquire knowledge on many things. Furthermore, Asplund is glad to have celebrated this “special” month.

“This was the first one but it won’t be the last time you see me talk about a particular culture,” Asplund said.