CIF-SS dismisses Buena’s allegations against Moreno Valley
The Moreno Valley player hitting in the batting cage prior to the game.
June 14, 2022
May 24, Buenas’ baseball team traveled to Moreno Valley for the CIF semi-final game. This game was the end of their 2022 CIF journey, but it was a controversial one at that.
In CIF, there is a rule that states that a team may not hit in any sort of batting cage the day of the playoff game. When the Bulldog’s baseball team pulled up to the baseball fields, they found a Moreno Valley player was hitting in a batting cage which is against the rules.
The rule for CIF also says that if a team proceeded to do this, they would have to forfeit the game and take the loss. The Bulldogs, unaware of the situation, played the game and lost.
The Bulldogs took notice of this from a student and brought it to the CIF. The CIF determined that it didn’t affect the outcome of the game and let Moreno Valley move onto the next stage of CIF.
“I definitely think they should have had to forfeit,” freshman Carter Kimble said. They also took a video and showed it to the people in charge of CIF baseball games. “They didn’t really care about it.”
Moreno Valley denied their faults and told CIF that it was just a JV player hitting in the batting cage but the Bulldogs took notice of the player and figured out that he actually did play in the game as the catcher.
It was an unfortunate ending to the varsity baseball season. This season’s team was loaded with talent, having five players be on first team all league. They have played so well all year and have some very talented and solid players. Hopefully next season they will be able to make it farther into the playoffs.