Will this dangerous hero be on your screen?
Drawing of a bowl of popcorn and a computer with the title of the film Black Widow, which comes out May 7.
October 6, 2020
She sacrificed herself last year, now she’s back for one last fight just in time for the holidays. Even if it’s not in theaters this year many believe it will still be entertaining.
“Excited no matter what,” sophomore Jacklyn Crone said. Due to come out on May 7 of this year. The trailer already has forty-four million views. Its ratings are equally impressive. Already maintaining a 4.8 in ratings and looking like it will only keep going up in the U.S.
Played by Scarlett Johansson, viewers will see a different side of the hero along with people from her past. Actor David Harbour, also known for his role on Stranger Things, will be playing a character from her past. Many are looking forward to learning about her relationship with her sister who will be played by actress Florence Pugh.
After years of being a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe this female superhero is finally getting her own movie but not everyone knows who she is without her team. “It would be nice to get the background of a side character without having to read the comics,” freshman Julia Yusko said. A movie without any other big figures like Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers who have overshadowed her in the past.
The Black Widow movie can give viewers different effects, you can decide to watch the movie for pure entertainment or for a deeper reason. It has something for everyone. Some of the most popular tags for the movie include memorable characters, strong acting, epic, great ending, inspiring, and fun.
Black Widow will be able to provide closure for fans who have been left unsatisfied with the ending that many other Marvel characters had gotten. Tony Stark is a character that died in Endgame and has fans hoping he will make a reappearance in the movie. “I would really like to see Hawkeye, Fury, or Ironman make an appearance,” Crone said.
This film is much more than a typical superhero movie; To many young girls, Black Widow is much more than a movie. Black Widow was taken by the red room as a child but as she grew up she became the hero fans have come to know. Her options in life were forcibly changed but she took back control and changed into who she wanted to be instead of letting others have control over her every move.
This can empower young viewers to take a stand for themselves and in any situation still have the chance to be who they want to be and do what they want to do.This movie may be making an appearance after Captain Marvel but that does not make it any less powerful. “It’s about time,” Crone said.
This movie will give families and friends something to look forward to during this unique year. “I think someone who’s got the funds should totally buy it, so I can borrow it for them. Most likely I will end up buying it,” Yusko said.
This movie offers fans to learn more about Black Widow but it also offers young girls a hero to look up to, it shows people that your past does not define who they are. This movie will be worth buying this May, as a gift for a friend or something for the whole family.
Gloria Christine De Rueda • Jan 27, 2022 at 4:01 am
Beautifully Written ..my Brooklyn
Peter carrillo • Oct 9, 2020 at 7:54 am
Great job Brooklyn, I hope to see iron man make an appearance also. Can’t wait for the movie to come out!