Acceptance in the face of diversity

The two parties fighting represented by a donkey and an elephant. Pictured on the left is a donkey representing the republican party, and on the right an elephant representing the democratic party.
November 13, 2020
With the 2020 elections coming to an end, the feelings between the democrats and republicans parties are anything but peaceful. The two parties have two different sets of beliefs and moral compasses which seem to create a fatal divide between the two.
The Democratic president-elect, 77-year-old Joe Biden, was who previously vice president under President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017. promises to focus on environmental issues by rallying the rest of the world to curb emissions to fight against climate change. He also wants to undo Trump’s immigration policies which separate children from their families at the US-Mexican border.
The Republican candidate, 74-year-old Donald Trump, who has been president since 2017. has delivered on many of the promises he campaigned on. Some of these include implementing huge tax cuts for working Americans and appointing supreme court judges who would respect the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms, which Trump has shown great interest in. Additionally, He has even given more money to defense spending for the military, illustrating that he does in fact see the military as an important aspect to our country and our politics.
Although Trump has gained a large group of supporters over his term, he has also gathered a large group of opposers. Some of these people who dislike Trump have proven themselves relentless. Citizens and people who have social media have seen many conspiracies spread over the internet regarding allegations of sexual misconduct perpetrated by none other than Trump. On twitter, he has also made some questionable choices posting some inappropriate tweets coming from the President of the U.S.
The negatives aside he has done our country a lot of good, bringing the unemployment rate to the lowest place it has ever been, and as stated before showing a lot more interest in the military than previous presidents
As usual, social media has turned this year’s election into a frenzy: a verbal cat fight of sorts. Democrats are seen calling the Republicans ‘racist’ and ‘homophobic’ and the Republicans are seen calling the Democrats Socialists
Of course this is not all of the people who identify under these parties, but through social media, we see these certain people battling over who is morally correct. This argument causes a divide between supporters of opposing candidates. We see this on social media where people, even students from Buena post things on social media making it clear that people of a different party aren’t welcome, claiming that they will be blocked completely for supporting Trump or Biden.
Junior Kylee Allison has seen these types of posts on her Instagram before.
“People are entitled to their own opinions and shouldn’t be treated differently for them,” Allison said.
People automatically assume that Trump supporters are racist and don’t support women’s rights, or that Biden supporters are all members of the LGBTQ+ community and don’t support our original 10 amendments.
How is this right?
Everyone is allowed their own opinion on political matters, you can vote for Trump and not support all his policies. It’s just like having a favorite author but not enjoying all their pieces. Should people be judged for this?
It certainly doesn’t give people an excuse to harass others, especially classmates on the internet. Students are seen completely degrading others, calling them stupid or useless because of who their family supports. How does this make sense? It creates a divide between fellow classmates, making kids feel less like peers and more like enemies set out against one another.
“We’re all in this together and judging people based on political affiliation only creates a bigger divide,” junior Katelyn Morrison said.
Now especially during a completely harsh and difficult time for all, the community should be coming together and supporting each other, putting differences aside because at the end of the day, the community is all you have. In a time where hate is so abundant, I encourage you to love one another and stop spreading hate because you think your opinion is superior or more valid than someone else’s. We’re all human and at the end of the day most of our opinions are flawed no matter if you like it or not.