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The Student News Site of Buena High School

Buena Speaks

The Student News Site of Buena High School

Buena Speaks

The Student News Site of Buena High School

Buena Speaks

Kevin Cox, Staff Writer

Kevin Cox is a second year student Journalist, who loves gaming, shopping, and chilling. In his free time, you can find him on his computer or hanging out with his friends. After graduating from high school, he plans on attending community college and transferring to a university after completing his requirements. His goal in life is to be happy with a family that he loves and to be able to support everyone that he cares about in his life.

All content by Kevin Cox
Democrats Accused of Electoral Fraud

Democrats Accused of Electoral Fraud

Kevin Cox, Staff Writer
December 16, 2020
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The Student News Site of Buena High School
Kevin Cox