Buena welcomes new science teachers, ASB advisors

New ASB advisors and science teachers, Laura Adair (left), and Meghan Malloy (right), start the year off right, spending every chance they get enjoying the outdoors.

New ASB advisors and science teachers, Laura Adair (left), and Meghan Malloy (right), start the year off right, spending every chance they get enjoying the outdoors.

New science teachers and ASB advisors, Meghan Malloy and Laura Adair, soar through their first weeks at Buena, embracing their new roles with eagerness and excitement.

Prior to working at Buena, Malloy had teaching experience in Los Angeles but is new to the role of ASB advisor. 

“I grew up in Ventura and I was commuting to L.A. a lot, so I wanted to look for a teaching job closer to home,” Malloy said.  

However, Adair chose Buena because she was drawn in by their mission statement, goals, and overall just the Buena community.

“The student population is really amazing,” Adair said. “Just seeing the whole student body come together and support different aspects on campus was really cool to see.”

Malloy attended Whitman College, a small liberal arts college in Walla Walla, Washington, where she studied for two years as an undergrad. She mentioned that she always knew she wanted to pursue a career in science, since it is something that she has always been passionate about. 

“When I was little, I used to play teacher with my stuffed animals,” Malloy said. “Then, over the years growing up, [I worked] with kids and enjoyed doing so.”

Adair attended Guilford College, a small liberal arts college in Greensboro, North Car. She  knew she wanted to study science, and now has a degree in biology. 

But she studied more than just science in college. Audair has a background in art as well. During college, she took functional pottery in which she learned how to make plates and bowls.

“I knew that I wanted to do science and art, but I didn’t know that I was going to end up as a teacher,” Audair said. “But, there was a pretty big moment in my college career that [helped] me decide.” 

Full of enthusiasm, Malloy and Audair hint that there are a lot of spectacular events in the works for Buena alumni to enjoy throughout the school year. 

“My goal for this year as an advisor was to have a successful homecoming, which I think we definitely accomplished,” Malloy said. “Now we can shift our focus to other events like club day, working on spirit sections, and increasing student attendance to other sports games other than football.”

As for the advisor’s purpose behind running the program, it is something much deeper than just putting on great events for students, but rather bettering Buena students as a whole.

“Another thing we are focusing on in our leadership class is the importance of teamwork and supporting each other, because being a leader is all about utilizing your team,” Malloy said. 

Another thing we are focusing on in our leadership class is the importance of teamwork and supporting each other, because being a leader is all about utilizing your team

— Meghan Malloy

Both Malloy and Audair both strive to send out the important message of unity, describing how being able to work together as a team is a crucial life skill.

“I think that having experience in leadership and learning how the real world works when you’re younger helps you be more successful in the long run,” Audair said. 

So with a positive mindset in place and a whole lot of determination, Malloy and Audair hope to make it an amazing year for all.