In Buena’s student parking lot, water splashed 10 willing seniors as laughter filled the air at the first ever Soak-a-Senior event, Apr. 10, which brought a group of Bulldogs to come soak their favorite...
The District Attorney Office collaborated with Buena’s First Responder class to showcase DUI, the crime committed by driving under the influence, training to students and faculty, March 12 in room 125.
Buena doors across campus were taken over by works of art for the district-wide 3rd annual Black History Month door contest. During the month of February many competitors from elementary, middle, and high...
After rounds of competing, the time had come for Buena to try and win back the Betty Rutherford Perpetual Trophy, at their final competition Mar. 20. Despite the unfavorable conclusion to the season, the...
Bright lights shined and lively music filled the auditorium as teachers danced across the stage at this year's Renaissance Rally, Wed. March 6. This celebration of high-performing and most improved students...
Murder lingered in the air as tensions rose amongst opposing teams in the Ventura County Superior Courtroom as the Mock Trial Team prepared to present their case in People v. Clark Feb. 3 for their annual...
Class of 2024 danced the night away at this years Senior Ball, Feb. 10 and created more memories for their final year. This “night in New York” took place at the Spanish Hills Club,...
The week before winter break, Ventura was hit and faced an intense storm, with 7.4 inches of rainfall. The Parrish pool, which is used daily by the water polo and swim teams, took most of the heat. The...
Colorful and bright ASB posters were plastered across campus as officer elections started for the 2024-25 school year. The elections took place Thursday Feb. 15 with students running for a variety of...
Friends and family cheer as the blue curtains slowly slide away, revealing the talented students. ASB held a talent show for the first time Feb. 2, proving to be a success for performers and entertaining...
The release of the new Senior Ball theme, ticket prices, and elimination of the couples’ discount have also let loose a stream of criticism by seniors but there are valid reasons behind the new price...
Science League hosted its annual Family Science Night Dec. 1 with experiments that had people's hands on fire and gummy bears exploding. The event was a fun way to welcome the holiday spirit and teach...