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The Student News Site of Buena High School

Buena Speaks

The Student News Site of Buena High School

Buena Speaks

4 tips to build better habits, based on the book "Atomic Habit" written by James Clear

VIEWPOINT: Form new habits, not new excuses

Haylie Williams, News Section Editor January 26, 2023

“New year, new me” is an idea adopted by many and has become accompanied with a social pressure to make immense change in the new year. However, waiting until the new year to form new habits, or change...

Average dietary recommendations for daily meals, the guidelines that VUSD follows to ensure students get every food group. Alternatives not included in the recommendation.

Vegans, Vegetarians valiantly vocalize their concerns with campus caferteria

Sierra Ruiz, Staff Writer January 9, 2023

In 2022, 11 percent of those living in the U.S. live with dietary preferences such as being vegan, vegetarian, and pescetarian, according to Gallup News. Through the rise of the global warming crisis,...

Truancy letters are sent out to guardians and parents when their child have missed a certain number of days. The letter describes the consquences missing days of school can have on the child's education and the actions that can be taken against the parent.

Chronic Absenteeism is not Truancy, needs to be reevaluated

Brooklin Barilone, Editor in Chief January 3, 2023

The public education system has followed a similar, strict format for decades regarding expectations for attendance. Students attend school from early morning until late afternoon, five days a week, where...

From left to right: Sierra Ruiz, Jose Aguilar (under the sheet), Juan Gonzalez, Abel Gomez (seated), and Carlos Gutierrez performing the dinner scene from Macbeth.

OPINION: Shakespeare is meant to be performed, not read

Ethan Potter, Staff Writer December 29, 2022

Every year English classes across the nation force their students to read Shakespeare and each time students come away bored. Despite its old English which makes it difficult to read, it is clear how important...

Unused Buena lockers

VIEWPOINT: Students left stranded without lockers

Mary Ward-Zaragoza, Staff Writer November 10, 2022

As students rush through the hallways, there is one noticeable difference from previous years: No one is stopping at their lockers. This school year,  administration decided that they would not issue...

A family enters the United States for all it gives. Liberty, freedom and independence.

OPINION: America needs to step up in order to provide and keep the children of the country safe

Kimberly Solis, Section Editor June 8, 2022

America symbolizes liberty, freedom and independence, but in the last few weeks, we have not seen our country live up to those ideals. America wants women to have children, but we cannot adequately feed...

Students juggle a lot more than meets the eye. While it may look like all they have to worry about is homework, there are actually countless things at play in their lives.

VIEWPOINT: Mental Health Awareness Month shines light on unhealthy academic pressure

Madysen Hawley, Staff Writer May 27, 2022

Throughout May, which is Mental Health Awareness month, the conversation around academic validation and the pressure placed on students' achievements is more important than ever. This dialogue makes it...

Credit: Creative Commons Image

VIEWPOINT: The plan to abort women’s rights is giant leap backwards

Sedona Brickley, Section Editor May 23, 2022

As a female growing up in the United States, I never contemplated the idea that women would still be discriminated against because of their sex in the twenty-first century. Yes, it has been proven that...

Buena yearbook from 1961, shows the fundraiser "Slave Days".

Buena’s Past “Slave Days” sheds light on recent racist societal policies

Brooklin Barilone, Section Editor April 25, 2022

Imagine a school where female students purchase male students as slaves who must adhere to a strict dress code and rule book that declares the rights of slaves. The masters, girls who purchased the boys,...

VIEWPOINT: Powder Puff football is a misogynistic spectacle

VIEWPOINT: Powder Puff football is a misogynistic spectacle

Madysen Hawley, Staff Writer April 25, 2022

Everybody who experiences the world as a woman is no stranger to the casual misogyny in our day to day lives, but how much of it has truly been normalized to the point of unconsciousness?  Specifically...

vegan word on wood background and vegetable - food

VIEWPOINT: Planting thoughts for going Vegan

Sedona Brickley, Section Editor March 24, 2022

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I challenged myself to go vegan for a week in Oct. of 2019. I was hoping to get in shape, and be healthier. Having a history of being overweight came with...

Jan. 6, 2022 Zendaya posts trigger warning before season two premiere.  She warns her fans about the graphic and heart breaking content upcoming to HBO Max.

Glamorous Euphoria is not completely glamorized

Brooklin Barilone, Section Editor March 23, 2022

The show Euphoria has fans debating on how realistic the portrayal of the high school experience is, as many have commented on the exaggerated characters and plots of high schoolers like, the immense amount...

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The Student News Site of Buena High School