Disney continues to make magic with their new movie “Encanto,” leaving audiences hooked for weeks after the release. After being released to Disney Plus on Dec. 24, 2021, Encanto has earned...
‘Spider-Man No Way Home’ was released to theaters Dec. 17 and might just be the most entertaining movie about Peter Parker so far with the villains many grew up watching coming back to the big screens...
The Not-So-Silent-Night album is back and better than ever. The art skills of Natalie Miller and Sierra Ruiz blended with the music abilities of the choir, staff, and students culminated to create a work...
If you are struggling to find your next show to binge watch over the Holiday break with the oh so tempting cozy atmosphere provided by the cold weather. I recommend these three underrated shows that are...
Ravens Tavern located at Oxnard, Seabridge Marina Center, is an English and Irish restaurant serving delicious meals that aren’t found at other restaurants nearby. While walking into the restaurant I...
Lin-Manuel Miranda’s newest musical, “tick, tick...BOOM!”, does not disappoint as it blows viewers away with the amazing performances and storytelling
The PG-13 musical earned itself an 87 percent...
When Thanksgiving is over, there is only one thing I want to do, get ready for Christmas. I always know that Trader Joe's is the perfect place to get me in the spirit with their wide variety of festive...
Starbucks is there for you, no matter what holidays you celebrate. Whether you like the nip of peppermint, or the toasty warmth of praline, Starbucks has it all. As soon as you open the door, a cheery...
“Squid Game” breaks global records with an original South Korean drama making it Netflix’s #1 most-watched show of 2021.“Squid Game” features famous childhood games from South Korea with a dark...
Grab your scarves and warm fall beverages and get ready to cry to songs you know all too well. Taylor Swift released her re-recording of her fourth album, Red.
Taylor Swift has been re-recording her...
Are you interested in books that leave you desperately wanting to know what’ll happen next and especially the ones that make you feel the suspense creeping up? Do you like books where you want to see...
“Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” is a crossover fighting game released for the Nintendo Switch on Dec. 7, 2018. It features new and old characters as well as some returning stages from the older versions...