Oct. 19 Buena’s German program brought a new energy to the merriment that is Oktoberfest. For the 3rd year in a row the event featured a photo booth, arm wrestling competitions, squeaky pig toys, and...
Addison Bruno, Viewpoint Section Editor
• November 9, 2023
As the curtain draws and the drama room bustles more and more, we know the fall play is upon us. Opening night for the play begins this Thursday November 9th and is not to be missed. Here are five reasons...
Message delivered, VUSD, the 23-24 school year rang in with heavy reinforcement of the electronic device policy, board policy 5131.8, that was passed in 2021.
“Recent developments, particularly in...
After disaster struck with the Thomas fire and Covid-19 pandemic, the catastrophic effects were seen within our own garden, being left unattended and in shambles. With a $4,000 grant provided by the NOAA...
Potential club members swarmed into the quad Friday afternoon, Sept. 29, Club Day, hosted by the club leaders of Buena High. Bulldogs bounced from table to table learning about all the extracellular options...
Buena’s Wellness Center put on a Tote Painting and Love on a Leash lunchtime event Tuesday, Sept. 26 due to Sept. being suicide prevention month. Thanks to these wellness peers, Buena students were able...
AP Statistics was cut two weeks into the 2023-2024 school year with the lowest class roster seen to date, one student, due to scheduling conflicts following the trend of post-pandemic decline in AP classes.
At 6 a.m. August 22, the class of 2024 swarmed Pierpont Beach for the annual senior sunrise. The crisp morning air carried the weight of excitement and nervousness for the year to come as students played...
California requires all public school districts to show they are financially stable every three years. Districts need to reserve 3 percent or more of their approved budget. As a result of these standards...
Buena senior class of 2023 traveled to Universal Studios June 3 for Grad Night for a night of fun, comradery, and celebration. The late night experience included six hours, 4pm-12am, of open exploration...
Due to Buena changing schedules from a traditional six period day to a block period model, “BARK” had its final day, Thursday, May 25.
BARK,a thirty minute study hall period, was designed to allow...
The film production team is presenting ten short films as part of a two hour showcase May 25, 2023 in the little theater. Doors open at 5:30 pm and the show starts at 6:00 pm. Showcase admission is free,...