Updated Halloween Guidelines in Ventura County
New rules for Halloween 2020 changes many ways people normally celebrate.
October 8, 2020
Ventura County has recently updated it’s Halloween restrictions on Wednesday, Sept. 16 to meet CDC guidelines in the middle of this pandemic. By Sept. 14, Ventura County canceled trick or treating this year. A day later, they later deemed it to be “not recommended.”
Traditional Halloween cannot be done in a safe manner this year. The old way of handing candy to children a few feet away is not safe for the children or the individual handing out candy. Haunted houses, another big Halloween icon, is not allowed. This will affect children of all age
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has provided numerous recommendations that can potentially celebrate Halloween in a safer fashion. Some include doing virtual costume parties, a Halloween themed outdoor scavenger hunt, or a Halloween movie night with your family.
Junior Brandon Rice has always gone with his friends on Halloween night, whether it was to a party, or to trick or treat when he was young.
“I’m not sure how Halloween is going to go this year,” Rice said. “I don’t really trick or treat anymore, but I’m kind of bummed that haunted houses are not gonna be allowed. I guess we are going to have to pass this year.”
Junior Emma Ortiz has a similar view. “This year I’m not as excited for Halloween as I usually am because of the restrictions,” Ortiz said. “I’m definitely sad because I wanted to do more haunted houses this year with my friends and family.”
College student Devin Ruiz, the chief instructor at Ignite Martial Arts in Camarillo, has been helping his mom hand out candy to trick or treaters for the past four years. “It’s sad for the kids that Halloween isn’t going to be the same,” Ruiz said.
“Every year we host a big trunk or treat for our students, but seeing the way things are going right now, I don’t think that will happen,” Ruiz said. “I’m really sad to say that Halloween isn’t going to be much this year, but we must do what we have to do to keep ourselves and everyone around us safe.”